Friday, May 7, 2010


May, already. Where is the time going? I tell you! We now have 3- 14 year olds in the house and it is crazy here for sure. We also now have 7 chickens...well make that 6. The dogs got one of the chicks last night, there was lots of tears and gnashing of teeth last night- not mine.

School is making me a little crazy right now but I think it always does this time of year. Dave is working for the government as a census working for the next couple of months- it sure would be nice if a job like that could become permanent. He is also still working as a custodian for church and school...yes we are both very busy right now. The boys are playing baseball on the Rockford Christian Middle School team. They love it and so does the coach (their dad). :)

I am going to teach summer school this summer-crazy right. Maybe I won't need to teach after school next year then... a girl can hope. :)

Hmmm...heading to bed now. Sleep tight!


  1. that is so sad that your dog ate your chicken, yuck! I can imagine that was pretty awful!

    never a dull moment when you have boys and animals!

    this is a fun place to keep a family update!

    and yes, you can always hope!

  2. Nice that someone actually reads this Pam...I feel like this is just out there in cyberspace with no fans. I still love writing it every once in a while. I only wish I had started when they were babies!
