Saturday, August 28, 2010

High schoolers

Oh heavens!  High school starts in one week.  Notebooks and pencils have been bought.  New shirts and jeans have been washed and hung.  New shoes still need to be found, but for the most part we are physically ready.  Emotionally, I am trying to pretend it is all just a really bad dream.  I know that they have to grow up and I know that they have to move on in life, but I also know that high school is just one step closer to when I have an empty nest and 3 grown up boys.  However, I also plan to totally enjoy these last 4 years I have with my boy children before they turn into men children! I have been loving watching them play their chosen sport.  Noah is running cross country and Jacob is playing soccer, both for GRCHS.  Micah has joined a Rocketry club that he really seems to enjoy.  I must say that I continue to like these 3 boys no matter what age they turn into- even teenagers!  ;)

I have taken on a new job as a first grade teacher...what am I thinking!?  I am vacililating between being scared to death and totally excited!  I have a great new room and I am loving organizing it!  :)